The need for a stronger entrepreneurial society has been placed firmly on the agenda of governments and business in the last years. How to learn for entrepreneurship however, is still a very underdeveloped domain, and our universities are only now beginning to discover how to create the conditions for its success. The Dutch Centres of Entrepreneurship, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO), and the Learning Lab collaborate to advance the field of learning for entrepreneurship with FOEL. We host the festival in Amsterdam for educators and change makers who want to advance entrepreneurial education. Entrepreneurial learning no longer solely takes place within the confines of the classroom and asks us to rethink university education as we know it.
The European definition of entrepreneurial learning: development of entrepreneurial attitudes, skills and knowledge that enable the individual to turn creative ideas into action. Entrepreneurship is not only related to economic activities and business creation, but more widely to creating value in all areas of life and society, with or without a commercial objective.
We take entrepreneurial learning to serve at least four purposes, and in this light we organise the festival:
- It creates conditions for job creation and a healthy economy
- It stimulates innovation and the capacities to deal with exponential change and globalisation
- It engages and motivates students through relevant learning experiences for education, life and work.
- It empowers people to create value for society and deal with societal challenges.