De Nederlandse School (the Dutch School) offers an alternative teacher training aimed at pioneers in education and the development of teachers and schools. The participants are schools and teacher teams instead of individual teachers, so as to assure a sustainable embedding of innovation. Next to a strong focus on personal development dNS programs work on the capacities of learning (co)design, action research, and entrepreneurship.

During the design proces of the school we came to teacher education as one of the most important transitional objects of the educational system. Teachers are the source of education, and so their abilities, relationships, and world-views shape the learning proces. The Dutch School is the answer we found to questions like; how might we enable (potential) master teachers to give their gift? Under what circumstances would they consider becoming a teacher? What abilities would they need to face the challenges of our times? How would they acquire their capacities? In what environment would they thrive? What kind of support would they need from peers, schools, and policy?

De onderwijzer aan de macht

De onderwijzer aan de macht

Making Makers

Making Makers

dNS Ontwerp

dNS Ontwerp